Setting a Philanthropic Example
Mary Jane England (MED'64) is a longtime leader in the care and treatment of children and families, an advocate for community mental health services,
former president of Regis College (her alma mater) in Weston, Massachusetts, a member of the School of Medicine's Dean's Advisory Board, and a long-time
supporter of the Schools of Medicine and Public Health.
"Boston University had been extremely good to me. It not only gave me a scholarship when I was in medical school, but provided me with the chance to be
trained and active in all the areas that interested me most - kids and families, access to mental health services, and social justice. I wanted to give
back because they gave to me."
As chair of the committee that spearheaded a massive renovation of the iconic Talbot Building in the mid-90s, Dr. England wanted to set a philanthropic
example for others. She established two charitable gift annuities to benefit a School of Public Health initiative, totaling $100,000.
Dr. England's charitable gift annuities provide payments to her in retirement while still providing a gift to the University. In addition, she was able to
claim an income tax charitable deduction in the year her gifts were established.
She chose this type of gift because it offered her a way to make a meaningful gift while securing a fixed income stream for the future.
"It's a great option," she says, "because it allowed me to make a gift while I was still actively involved and passionate about the School, the best time to be inspired! Why wait?"